What We Do

Charleston Irish was founded in 2010 & this is what we do:

Connect The Irish Community in Charleston

We host regular social events to unite the Irish community, welcome newcomers, and provide a central hub for Irish news in Charleston.

Help Irish People Moving to Charleston

If you're Irish & thinking of moving to Charleston, we're here to answer your questions, give sound advice, and a warm welcome upon your arrival.

Support The Irish Businesses of Charleston

We support & promote the Irish owned business in Charleston. Whatever you need help with, there's someone in our group can do it.

Give Travel Advice For Your Trip To Ireland

Ireland is one of most beautiful countries in the world. The Irish in Charleston give you local advice about their home towns to help you plan your trip to Ireland.

Coordinate With The Irish Government

We liaise with the Irish government representatives, including the Consulates in Atlanta and Charleston, offering support to the Irish community in Charleston.

How To Get Involved

If you're Irish, Irish American, or simply have an interest in Ireland, you're welcome to join our community.

There's no membership forms or fees. Just come along to one our events, say hi.

To connect with us:

  1. Follow us on our very active Facebook page
  2. Sign up for our newsletter below
  3. Contact us if you have any questions

Read about how Charleston Irish started and grew

The Story of Charleston Irish
The Beginning The roots of Charleston Irish informally started in the early 2000s. Many of the original Irish in Charleston, Frank, Gerry, Robert, Jack & Darragh, played football together and we met up to watch Irish matches. There were around 20 Irish living in Charleston then. It was a rarity to

Charleston Celtic

Finbar, Ringo & Eoin playing the ballads
Irish Ambassador Dan Mulhall in Charleston
Dan, Tommy & Jerry at our Christmas party